A double chin also referred to as submental fat, can make you look older and heavier than you are. True, a double chin may be associated with weight gain, but that’s not always the case. Skinny people get them, too, thanks to genetics and aging. But whatever the cause, Kybella® is a non-surgical solution that allows you to ditch that pesky double chin.
At Balboa Medical Center & Spa in Encino, California, Dr. Amir Raeesy has helped countless patients say goodbye to their double chins and embrace a more youthful profile with Kybella. Here’s how it works.
Kybella is a non-surgical treatment for double chins
Kybella is the only FDA-approved injectable that kills fat cells under the chin to slim your profile.
Treatment entails a series of small injections of a synthetic form of a substance known as deoxycholic acid in and around the submental area. Deoxycholic acid is a chemical naturally produced by the body. It destroys fat cells by breaking down the cell membrane
Kybella targets stubborn submental fat
When used in synthetic deoxycholic acid targets fat cells in the chin area.
It permanently destroys fat cells. Your body absorbs them and metabolizes them. Post-treatment, you may experience some soreness, swelling, and bruising. But these are generally easily managed with over-the-counter anti-inflammatory medication and only last one to three days.
Treatment is tailored for your goals
Your body and your goals are unique. At Balboa Medical Center & Spa, Dr. Raeesy personalizes each patient’s Kybella plan. The number of treatment sessions will depend on your body and goals. Many patients experience visible results in 2 to 4 treatments. 59% of patients received 6 treatments in clinical studies. Treatments are scheduled about a month apart.
Is It safe?
Yes! In the hands of an experienced medical professional, such as Dr.Raeesy, Kybella is very safe. Not only is it FDA-approved for patients over age 18, but it has also undergone extensive scrutiny in more than 20 clinical studies involving 1600 people.
Kybella results are long-lasting
Once you achieve your desired results, no additional treatments are necessary. Your new profile is permanent as long as you maintain a healthy weight.
To learn more about Kybella and whether it’s right for you, schedule an appointment with Balboa Medical Center & Spa by calling our office at (818) 701-0017 or requesting an appointment online today.
* Individual results may vary